Sunday, March 15, 2015

More Linoit in First Grade

After reading Caroline Page's blog post about using Linoit to compare texts, I started wondering if we could adjust the background to make it look like a Venn Diagram. So Caroline and I put our heads together, and guess what we figured out how to do?

Once that was in place, I had students use it to compare the information in two different nonfiction texts about spiders. Students had already worked with partners to create Venn Diagrams on paper, so each pair used the lino to share out a couple of ideas with the class.

When they were finished creating a sticky note or two, I called all the partners to the rug, so we could read through all the sticky notes and make any adjustments we discovered were necessary. We fleshed out incomplete thoughts, changed the color of some sticky notes to get them in the right places, and corrected any factual errors about what the books actually said. (As you can see if you look closely, we left the spelling mistakes alone for now!)

It was great to have sticky notes that could appear on the Smartboard, large enough for the whole class to see A big improvement over squinting to see the tiny paper variety! Having students contribute to diagram we could all read created many more opportunities for discussion and reflection among the students. (And it was a lot of fun, too.)

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